Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 16: Monday 6/25/07 - The 4th Time zone

Today was 160 miles from Eufaula AL to Dublin GA. After being in Mississippi and Alabama, where almost everyone had a "coon dog", it was a relief not to chased by ANY dogs in Georgia. Here is a picture Eric took for me as we entered Georgia, just four miles after leaving the hotel. Needless to say we exited the pace line very early in the day.

The topography has included a lot of lumber producing forests. This has been the case in Alabama and Georgia. With that come a lot of trucks, some of which are courteous and some are NOT. Here was a typical road today. Not real exciting, but typical.

We entered our 4th time zone today and our 9th state in the Elite PAC Tour crossing of the U.S. The states have been California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. The thing about these last four states is that they have a lot of water that doesn't seem to be moving. In Colorado the streams and rivers are definitely moving and lakes always seem to be rough from the wind. Not so around here.

Eric broke his left side crank arm today. What a monster he must be. Of course it was hot and humid, AGAIN. Tomorrow should be cooler (in the 80's) as we approach the coast, go through Savannah and on to Tybee Island. Last day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One more day of excitment. Congrats on getting half way across GA intact. I always knew we shouldn't mess with Eric but now I guess we have proof why.
Have a great last day and congrats on a very successful trans-American adventure!!